2009-2010 District Governor Roy Landry, 1st Vice District Governor Don Draper, 2nd Vice District Governor Lee Sigler. No history submitted.
2010-2011 District Governor Alvin Z. Owen (Don Draper dropped), 1st Vice District Governor Harvey "Lee" Sigler, 2nd Vice District Governor Tom Blase, Sr.. No history submitted.
2011-2012 District Governor Harvey "Lee" Sigler, 1st Vice District Governor Tom Blase, Sr., Acting 2nd Vice District Governor Frank Berthold. No History submitted.
2012-2013 District Governor Tom Blase, Sr., 1st Vice District Governor Frank Berthold, 2nd Vice District Governor John Gammill.
Lion Tom's lifelong passion for Lionism started in 1968 serving as a counselor at the Texas Lions Camp. He joined the El Paso Five Points Lions Club in 1972, later transferring to the Midland Downtown Lions and then to the San Angelo Downtown Lions. After retirement, he returned to Midland and rejoined the Midland Downtown Club.
Tom has served in almost every Club Office position. He has also served as a Director of the Texas Lions Camp from both Districts 2A1 & 2T3, and as a TLERC Director (District 2A1). He has also served District 2A1 in various District Chairman positions, Zone Chairman, District Tail Twister, and as 1st and 2nd Vice-District Governor. He is currently serving as the State Promotions Director for TLERC.
Lion Tom has been Lion of the Year 3 times. He also has been awarded an International President's Award and a Melvin Jones Fellowship. He holds a Membership Advancement Key, a TLC and a TLC Alumni Life Membership. He is a Jack Weich Fellow, as well as, a Charter Member of the Visionary Knights of the Blind.
Lion Tom & Lion Sherrilyn, who met as counselors at the Texas Lions Camp, have 2 children and 4 grandchildren.
2013-2014 District Governor Frank Berthold, 1st Vice District Governor John Gammill, 2nd Vice District Governor A J Dolle. No History submitted.
2014-2015 District Governor John Gammill, 1st Vice District Governor A J Dolle, 2nd Vice District Governor Dave Richison. No History submitted.
2015-2016 District Governor A J Dolle, 1st Vice District Governor Dave Richison, 2nd Vice District Governor Armano Subia. No History submitted.
2016-2017 District Governor Dave Richison, 1st Vice District Governor Armano Subia, 2nd Vice District Governor Russell Livingston. No History submitted.
2017-2018 District Governor Armano Subia, 1st Vice District Governor Russell Livingston, 2nd Vice District Governor Keith Perrine.
Armando Subia Sr. was installed as Governor for District 2 A1 on July 4, 2017 in Chicago
along with 700 other District Governors from around the world.
Lion Armando Subia Sr. was born and raised in Monahans, Texas. He married Lion Felis A.
Subia also born and raised in Monahans, Texas on February 15, 1969. Lion Armando and Lion
Felis have four sons which are all Eagle Scouts. Lion Armando and Lion Felis are blessed with 17
grandchildren and 5 great grands.
Lion Armando and Lion Felis joined the Midland West Side Lions Club in 2005. Lion Armando
was President of Midland West Side Lions Club for 3 terms, Membership Chairperson 1 term,
Zone Chairperson for 3 terms, Tail Twister for 1 term, Co-Chairperson with Lion Felis for the
Food Box Program for 8 years, 2nd VDG 2015-2016, 1st VDG 2016-2017, and Governor 2017-
2018. Lion Armando is a retired Oncology-Med Surg. R.N. having worked for Midland Memorial
hospital from 1992-2010.
Lion Armando's awards: International Presidential Metal, Presidential Leadership Award, the
Melvin Jones Fellow, Melvin Jones Fellow Progressive, Texas Lions Fellow, Life Member of the
Texas Lions Camp and has Texas Lions Camp Endowment Brick.
1st District Cabinet Meeting was held July 28-29,2017, hosted by the Colorado City Lions
Club in Colorado City. The 1st District Cabinet of the 101st Lion's year was installed by PID
Marshall Cooper (Guest Speaker). District Cabinet: 1st VDG Russell Livingston-Midland, 2nd VDG
Keith Perrine-San Angelo, IPDG Dave Richison-Kingsland, Cabinet Secretary Donna Dugger-Big
Spring, Cabinet Treasurer Chris Maxwell-Sweetwater, District Tail Twister Kathy McConnell-
Midland. Zone Chairs: Zone 1 Don Echerty-Midland, Zone 2 Marianne Stevenson-Colorado City,
Zone 3 Larry Melton-Ballinger, Zone 4 Mona Soland-Kingsland, Zone 5 Glenn Shepard-Ballinger,
Zone 6 Larry Walker-San Angelo, Regional Chair Scott Patterson-San Angelo, GLT Carol Brown-
San Angelo, GMT IPDG Dave Richison-Kingsland, Acuna Eye Clinic-PDG Al Owens-San Angelo,
Chaplain Christian Rabone-San Angelo, Directory Scott Peterson-San Angelo, District
Convention Co-Chairs PDG Roy Landry and 2nd VDG Keith Perrine-San Angelo, Historian Helen
Wilde-San Angelo, LCIF/Election Coordinator PDG Joyce Downie-San Angelo, Leader Dog/TLF
Brigette Rogers-San Angelo, Newsletter Editor Don McConnell-Midland, Parliamentarian PCC
Tom Blase-Midland, Centennial Coordinator Emilio Perez Jimenez-San Angelo, Texas Lions Eye
Glass Recycling Liaison Sandra Freeman-San Angelo, Webmaster Wynn Alston-San Angelo,
District Vison Chair Jim Chapman-Kingsland and Youth Exchange Mark Singh-Midland. District
Deer Hunt Raffle Tickets went on sale.
2nd District Cabinet Meeting held in Brady, Texas hosted by the McCulloch County Lions Club
November 10-11, 2017. Special Guest Speaker Lion Debbie Sonberg gave an emotional speech
on "Keepers of Hope". IPDG introduced the District 2 A1 Retention Contest to be held quarterly
and the metal that will be given to the different clubs. PDG Joyce presented IPDG Dave
Richison with the District Excellence Award, Lion C.J. Brisbin received the Melvin Jones award and Lion Bridget Rogers received Melvin Jones Fellow pin with 2 diamonds. Governor
Armando presented the Guiding Lion Certificate to PDG Roy Landry and the Appreciation
Certificate to IPDG Dave Richison. Resolution of Endorsement read by 1st VDG Russell
Livingston for PCC Tom Blase in his interest of being on the Texas Lions Camp Board. Centennial
Coordinator Emilio Perez gave out order forms to order PIP Ebb Grindstaff's book "Texas Lions".
Thanks to all the Clubs that have donated to the Hurricane Harvey Fund. Governor Armando
read a request from Lion Janie Garza for help with funeral costs for the victims of the
Southerland Church shootings.
District 2 A1 Mid-Winter Conference held January 19-20, 2018 hosted by the Sweetwater
Lions Club. DG Armando welcomed everyone for coming and Sweetwater Lion's President Thea
Hernandez also welcomed everyone to Sweetwater, over 75 Lions attending. Governor
Armando gave update on Hurricane Harvey and handed out a written report. Governor
Armando talked about the Lions 2 A1 District University Training to be held in San Angelo April
14th . GLT Carol Brown talked about the training being for all officers new/old and for Zone
These resolutions were read: from Ballinger from Zone 5 Glenn Shepard for 2 VDG, from San
Angelo 2VDG Keith Perrine for 1st VDG and from Midland 1st VDG Russell for DG. Retention
Award given to El Dorado, North by Northwest (San Angelo) and Sweetwater by GMT/IPDG
Dave Richison. Reports given by LCIF PDG Joyce Downie, Texas ions Camp Director-East Lion
Joel Kuykendall, Newsletter Editor/Ad Sales-Lion Don McConnell and Membership/Retention-
GLT Carol Brown. Tail Twister-Lion Kathy McConnell held raffles and silent auction, most money
made all year.
The Female Lion Membership has grown to 32% since the start of this Lions year. This is the
year of the female Lion.
Special Guest Speaker PCC T.J. Tijerina spoke about the new Global Action Team being added
and how it should help the Districts. He spoke of the power of We and the power of action
brings the power of service. Leadership and membership growth bring success. District 2 A1
started out positive and continues to lead Texas in membership.
Governor's Banquet April 27, 2018 held at the Pearl on the Concho in San Angelo, Texas.
There were over 70 Lions attending the Banquet. Governor Armando welcomed all the Lions
and guests with "I want to welcome each and everyone of you Lions here tonight to the 1st
District Banquet of this 101st year of Lions International. We are the beginning of this new
Century of Lions. What we now accomplish in Lions will set the standard for the next one
hundred years. ISN'T IT GREAT TO BE A LION!!!". Grassroots Lions hosted the Banquet tables for
the first time in near history.
District Governor's Awards given: PDG Joyce Downie-Presidential
Certificate, Lion Chris Maxwell-Presidential Certificate, 2nd VDG Keith
Perrine-Presidential Certificate, GLT Carole Browne-Leadership Medal, Lion
Marianne Stevenson-Presidential Medal. Guest speaker PID Ed Lecius introduced by
PIP Ebb Grindstaff. PID Lecius gave a very inspiring speech to the assembly.
2 A1 District Convention (Service with Heart): April 28, 2018 held
at the Pearl on the Concho San Angelo, Texas, hosted by Lions Clubs in the
District. Necrology service led by 1st VDG Russell Livingston. Lion Felis held a
raffle for Lions that wore their Lion's vest to the meeting and gave away
special gifts. Tail Twister Lion Kathy McConnell and Lion Don McConnell raffled
off a variety of items during the meeting.
Awards given: PDG Joyce Downie presented the Peace Poster Award to
Harris Sewell 12 years old with the Trinity school in Midland sponsored by the
Northside Lions Club in Midland. Opportunities for Youth Award was presented by
PCC Tom Blase to Spencer Burris for his essay titled "The Change Maker". Spencer
was sponsored by the Downtown Lions of San Angelo, Texas. Retention Awards
presented by IPDG Dave Richison to small size clubs-Norton Lions Club, med. size
clubs-Coahoma Lions Club and large size clubs-Mason Lions Club.
Guest Speaker PID Ed Lecius spoke about supporting new members with
their ideas even if those ideas had failed in the past. New members could make
those ideas work with new energy. With more new Lions that we recruit the more
hands that will provide service to our communities in need. The Power of We
equals to the Power of Service.
Election results: DG elect Russell Livingston-Midland, 1st VDG elect
Keith Perrine-San Angelo and 2ns VDG elect Glenn Shepard-Ballinger.
Looking forward District 2 A1 remains the number one District in the state
of Texas for membership. Our District Lions continue to show their
service with heart in all our communities.
2018-2019 District Governor Russell Livingston, 1st Vice District Governor Keith Perrine, 2nd Vice District Governor Glenn Shepard. No History submitted.